Friday, October 24, 2008

Don Wheeler

Election Day is fast approaching and there has been little discussion of one of the most important contests in our area — the South Bend Community School Corp. Board of Trustees. The board's behavior over the past year has been questionable at best. The board is in need of new ideas and leadership.

I would strongly recommend Don Wheeler for serious consideration for an at-large seat. I have known Wheeler for more than a decade. He is a blue-collar guy with a first-rate mind. During the past few years Wheeler has become active in politics and has written on a number of national and local issues. He wants to make a difference and has proposed some innovative ideas for the South Bend schools.

I am not going to try to convince you here, but if you are seriously concerned about public education in our area, I suggest you visit Wheeler's Web site and decide for yourself. He and his wife recently enrolled their daughter at Hay Elementary and they are both committed to the success of the South Bend schools. Take a look and I think you will agree that Don Wheeler would be an excellent choice.

Thomas R. Platt
South Bend
from the South Bend Tribune October 21, 2008

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