Saturday, October 4, 2008

What got me started

After two years at Saint Mary's Early Childhood Developmental Center, our daughter, Sarah, was ready to move on to Kindergarten. My wife, Paddy Blanchette, and I started exploring our options late last Fall.

We have many advantages; therefor, so does Sarah. Private school options would have been financially onerous - yet possible. But we think removing students with a less challenging path to success from public systems is a recipe for disaster for public education. So we concentrated our efforts on public school options - and there are many.

There are 4 magnet programs, a charter school and a neighborhood Primary center as options for every family within the boundaries of the South Bend School Corporation. I wrote about our own process of decision making on the blog Progressives, South Bend . The series began with The Kennedy Academy Cattle Call . As I reflected on that institution's focus on "students ready to learn, I developed some concerns which I discussed in The Other South Bend - The Education Component .

The Next Stop On Our Kindergarten Odyssey switches back to our own process, and the epilogue (I hope) ties things together.

So, I've been thinking about this for a while. Along the way, I have drawn some conclusions and also have identified things I need to learn more about. In the coming weeks I hope to meet with teachers, administrators and parents to share the benefit of their experience(s). Should I be selected to serve on the Board, that process will be ongoing.

Donald W. Wheeler

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